Your satisfaction is our priority. As part of our ISO 9001 certification, all our teams are constantly looking after the quality of the manufactured products. That is why we guarantee all our products under normal conditions of use.
A variable warranty according to the ranges. Our custom carpets are guaranteed 1 year, our custom covers and our Preference range: 2 years. Regarding the range of reinforced covers that are made from a particularly resistant material, the warranty extends even up to 3 years!
A simple and quick process. In case of a complaint, 3 steps are enough to analyze your request:

Etape 1 : Description, photos ...
3 éléments doivent impérativement nous être transmis :
- photos de la non-conformité, du défaut, de l'anomalie... que vous constatez
- The traceability label (located under the driver or the passenger seat cover, door side)
- N° de votre bon de commande
A complete and detailed description of the problem
All these elements (photos and description) are to be sent by clicking the button bellow.

Step 2: Technical diagnosis and responsibilities
Our Quality Department will analyze in details your claim and the product specifications, in order to make a diagnosis. You will be quickly advised in writing of our decision.

Step 3: Manufacturing and shipping
Le diagnostic permettra d'identifier les actions à mener, notamment le besoin de refabrication d'un produit conforme expédié dans les meilleurs délais, à la charge de Groupe SAFAR en cas de garantie ou à la charge du client en cas de SAV.